Learn the spirit of the two sessions to guide the development of enterprises

From March 4 to 11, 2024, the National Two Sessions will be held in Beijing. 2024 is a key year for the whole country to strive to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th five-year Plan, and this year's two sessions carry a special historical mission and social expectations. In order to comprehensively and thoroughly study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 2024 NPC and CPPCC sessions and guide the sustained, healthy and high-quality development of enterprises, the Party branch of Green Company responded positively and organized all employees to watch the videos of the NPC and CPPCC sessions and deeply study the spirit of the NPC and CPPCC.





Tribute to her power! To floral salon, open the "March 8" women's day new way!

Yangchun March, full of spring, is a good time for flowers. In this poetic season, the beautiful International Working Women's Day is about to usher in. In order to create a warm and happy holiday atmosphere and encourage female compatriots to show their own style, Green Company specially planned a unique floral salon to enrich the cultural life of female employees. Improve aesthetic accomplishment and embellish the beauty of life with flowers.





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